AGENCY vs. CLIENT – questions you always wanted to be answered
2017-02-15 09:00:00
Address: AmCham offices, Dušní 10, Prague 1
Panel discussion of selected representatives from communications agencies and company employees dealing with them. Questions you always wanted to ask your agency/ customer but due to certain reasons didn´t.
Panel discussion of selected representatives from communications agencies and company employees dealing with them. Questions you always wanted to ask your agency/ customer but due to certain reasons didn´t.
The result of the moderated discussion should be the virtual decalogue on how to improve the relationship between the agency and the customer.
Agency side:
- Petr Juráň, Client Service Director, Altavia Česká
- Ben Petter, Regional Director, Grayling Czech Republic
Client side:
- Petra Kůlová, Marketing Director, OREA HOTELS & RESORTS
- Květa Kubota, Direct Marketing Manager, Avast Software
- Gabriela Hoppe, Executive Director, IB Grant Thornton
Moderated by Gustavo Vizcardo, Managing Director of ValensGen.
Issues to be discussed:
- New client/agency acquisition
Both sides, agency and client sell. Client sell its products/services. Agency sells its know-how, agency people time...
- How to approach new client/agency?
- What and how should be presented to brand manager, marketing director?
- How much can be the new client bothered?
- Agency remuneration
Client insists on different types of prices: per hour, manufacturing cost, media, accountant, creative... any. The most common are fee, % of production, profit share.
- Why it´s not popular nowadays to pay the agency for its servise?
- Whose dis/advantage is it?
- Whole fault is it? Client sets its product price, customer pays it.
- When the agency wants to say NO to client?
- Agency of 21st century
Experience says that client often doesn´t (want to/need to) know what can the agency offer.
- What know-how agency offers nowadays?
- Why everybody in agency is so comoditized?
- ATL, BTL, digital, PR, Activation, Production...?
- Is there a chance the agency can be again advertising agency suggesting solutions through mediamix?
- Does the client want this?
- Why selected clients solve this issue by having an inhouse agency?
- Do you want to play active role in the discussion?
Let know Lucie Vrbová at