Deloitte's Tax department would like to invite you to another of its regular meetings — Tax business breakfast. Topic of the meeting reflects the current situation and the goal is to not only provide the latest information on this topic, but also to mediate a discussion between the participants of the meeting.
The aim of this meeting is to provide information on topical issues regarding tax structuring, business restructuring and the transfer of business functions and risks as well as provide our practical experience in this field. The meeting will focus in detail on questions related to utilising tax losses and the tax aspects of financing, tax optimisation and withholding taxes.
The seminar is designed for all who deal with issues and questions related to financial management and tax planning in their companies as well as chief executive officers and owners of companies located in the Czech Republic.
1. Re-structuring
* Share deal vs. asset deal — accounting and tax implications
* Tax optimisation of asset separation
* Transfers of functions and risks
2. Possible ways of consolidating tax gains or losses
* Transfers of functions/tax management of holding companies
* Mergers and changes of a company's legal form
* Use of transparent structures
3. Financing
* General rules for recognising tax deductible interest
* Debt push down effects in project financing
* Specific aspects related to thin capitalisation
* Limits on the tax deductibility of interest in specific cases
4. Applying withholding taxes and possible means of their optimisation
The seminar will be conducted by Deloitte professionals who work as consultants in the field of M&A and International Tax.
The seminar will be held in Czech.
Please complete your binding registration forms using our web page. Please fill in your company's ID and tax ID in the Comments section of the registration form. Please pay the participation fee immediately after registering.
In the case of any queries, please contact Jitka Pavlíková, tel. +420 246 042 273.