Sending employees to Germany and Austria
2015-06-16 00:00:00
Deloitte Academy - professional workshop. Meeting of employers focused on the mobility of staff between the Czech Republic, Germany and Austria.
- The minimum wage in Germany and Austria - its impact on sending employees on assignment or business trip out of the Czech Republic
- Tax obligations when sending employees to Germany and Austria
- Payment of advance taxes when sending an employee to Austria
- Establishment of business premises in Germany and Austria - the impact on Czech companies
- License of employment agencies in the Czech Republic, Germany and Austria
- Comprehensive preparation for short- and long-term secondment
Date : June 16, 2015, 9:00 to 1:00 p.m. (registration from 8.30 am)
Place: Deloitte Nile House, Karolinská 654/2, Prague 8 - Karlín
Participation fee: CZK 750 + 21% VAT
Registration: To find more information and subscribe please click HERE.