The price for the Brunch is 790 CZK per person for adults including non-alcoholic beverages. The price for children, whose parents attend the Brunch, is 250 CZK per child and includes a healthy meal and drinks, as well as full participation in the complete children’s program featuring fun and challenging games, workshops and contests. This price is available for up to four children per family. The price for children, whose parents do not attend the Brunch, is 700 CZK per child.
Kid’s Day at the Alcron Hotel is held every other Saturday from 12 noon to 4:30 pm in the Crystal Ballroom and/or Salons; the parent’s Brunch is served in the La Rotonde Restaurant.
The specific dates for the event are available at
Reservations are required.
Please contact us at 222 820 410 0r 603 198 446 or at to make reservations.