Tax, Legal & Business News - November/December 2014
5.01.2015Company: PricewaterhouseCoopers Česká republika, s.r.o.
Tax, legal, accounting, advisory and assurance newsletter.
- New wave of questionnaires onrelated party transactions and important observations from the seminar
- OECD: fewer conditions necessary for the creation of permanent establishments
- Old reserve funds aren’t just for covering losses
- The VAT liability limit will be reduced to CZK 540,000
- Support programs will be more focused on competitiveness in 2014-2020
- Amendment specifies the definition of financial leasing
- 100% provisions for non-statutebarred receivables now after just 30 months
- Pitfalls of acquittances › Not all life insurance contributions can be deducted from tax
- New visa centre in Ukraine
- The Academy
Read the newsletter here.