AmCham CSR committee with cooperation of HR & Finance committees, and Rytmus - od klienta k občanovi, o.p.s. & MIDA Consulting organized a pannel discussion about available subsidies, tax deductions & changes from 2015 with a special pannel discussion of representatives of employers with the employement of people with disabilities.
1st part:
Available subsidies, tax deductions, Act of Employement - changes in 2015, National strategy vs. EU strategy, Supported Employement, best practices, Education of people with disabilities, How society/companies/ employers can help:
Hana Soukupová / MIDA Consulting
Jana Březinová /Rytmus - od klienta k občanovi
Aneta Sluková / Fond dalšího vzdělávání MPSV
2nd part:
Moderated discussion by Jana Březinová of Rytmus - od klienta k občanovi with the representatives of employers:
Aneta Sluková - Fond dalšího vzdělávání/MPSV
Milena Beránková / PricewaterhouseCoopers ČR
Barbora Dvořáková / COMMERZBANK
Kateřina Michailidisová / GE Money Bank
Jan Mrskoš / Starbucks
See photos from the discussion: HERE
For more information, contact Renata Paceltova at