Take part in the survey! Evaluate the performance of the Czech economy with regard to a multitude of competitiveness issues and send an important message to government officials and media.
Fill in a short questionnaire on-line at www.imd.org/wcysurvey2015. Please note that surveys will be processed until March 31, 2015. 21 different language versions are available. Your responses are strictly confidential.
The IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook is the world's leading publication which analyzes the competitiveness of 61 countries, based on more than 300 economic criteria, official statistics and data from the Executive Opinion Survey.
After filling in the survey, will get immediate access to an 80-page Executive Summary. In addition you will also receive a link to access the key results of the World Competitiveness Yearbook 2015 on the website. The link will be sent to you after the Yearbook has been published in June 2015.