We have adjusted our business plan and are now on schedule to reach 5 million m2 of lettable area by 2020. By the end of 2015 we will be at 3 million m2 —our previous goal for 2017.
People say it’s difficult to plan, and predict what will happen in the future. I am a planner, have always been. While it’s true that not all plans become a reality but I like a challenge and need a target.
Also we like to communicate to our business partners, our clients, suppliers and the municipalities with whom we work closely, that we are here to stay and plan to extend our activities. In order to achieve these targets we have taken the necessary steps to extend our organisation at our headquarters in the Czech Republic, and also throughout the regions.
Most of our growth comes mainly through constructing new properties for existing clients—like IFE at CTPark Modřice, or Danish company Kompan at CTPark Brno, or Johnson Controls at CTPark Bor. All of these companies are long-term business partners for whom we extend properties or build new premises elsewhere in the region to support their operations.
But also we have recently signed with new clients like HTC from Taiwan and Blika from Denmark. These companies are involved in manufacturing or logistics. All of them understand well the benefits of locating in central Europe and appreciate a partner who provides full service property development including financing and after-care. In order to finance our growth we have agreed new loans with existing banking partners in new regions.
2014 was a good year. We are happy with the success and are grateful to our partners.
Remon L. Vos, FRICS
Chief Executive Officer