Kentico Time Capsule to be placed in Brno, the Czech Republic as part of global celebration; live event to be broadcast to sites around the world.
What do you believe will be different in 50 years? That’s the question being posed by Kentico Software, the all-in-one CMS, E-commerce, and Online Marketing platform provider. The placement of a message-laden time capsule is part of a global celebration being planned for July 20th in Brno, the Czech Republic.
That’s the location where, 150 years ago, Gregor Johann Mendel made observations about plants passing on characteristics from generation to generation—a line of thinking that ultimately led to the study of modern genetics. Participating in the live event will be a number of dignitaries including the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, the Rector of Masaryk University, the Czech Commissioner of UNESCO, the President of the Royal Society, the President of the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, and the Governor of the Southern Moravia Region.