Havas was selected as the winner of the non-public tender for agencies ensuring BTL communication for T-Mobile. Beginning in September, Havas will take care of all of the operator's BTL activities, including internal communication.
"All agencies have done a great job, which did not make our decision-making easy at all," says Jan Stanko, Vice President Market Communication at T-Mobile, adding: "After many years, we have finally decided to resume cooperation with the Havas agency. I believe that together we will succeed in achieving great things."
In addition to Havas, the other short-listed agencies that made it to the final round of the tender announced by T-Mobile at the beginning of April this year were Intuo, KLAN, Young & Rubicam and Hullabaloo. During the final round, the candidates were tasked with developing a creative assignment. The operator selected the winner following an assessment of the agencies’ creativity and strategic approach to brand communication and the financial framework of the cooperation.
The selection process was made in compliance with the Fair Tender rules.