CHOCOLATE FONDANT (recipe from Bellevue restaurant)
Ingredients / 6 servings:
190 g unsalted butter
190 g dark chocolate
125 g castor sugar
15 g plain flour
4 eggs
4 egg yolks
icing sugar or cocoa
to empty molds
1. Preheat the oven to 180°C.
2. Butter 6 large ramekins and dust liberally with cocoa, shaking out any excess.
3. Slowly melt the chocolate and butter in a small bowl set over a pan of hot water. Take off the heat and stir until smooth. Leave to cool for 10 minutes.
4. Using an electric whisk, whisk the whole eggs, egg yolk and sugar together until pale and thick, then incorporate into the chocolate mixture.
5. Sift the flour over the mixture and gently fold in, using a large metal spoon.
6. Divide the mixture between the ramekins and bake for 10 minutes at 180°C.
Serving tips:
It is best served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and forest fruits.