Employees supported 20 persons in difficult life situations. The operator matched each of the amounts raised The accompanying sale of pin badges brought in another CZK 25,200. A total of CZK 1,032,260 will be distributed among 20 people in need.
Before last Christmas, T-Mobile organised the third edition of an internal fundraising campaign called “Supporting Stories”. Within the campaign, the operator’s employees proposed 20 powerful stories of people in their close vicinity who are facing a difficult life situation. This time, the stories involved ten children and ten adults. Over the course of two weeks, employees raised CZK 503,530 among themselves through an internal application; the operator then matched that amount. When adding the proceeds of the sale of thank-you pin badges, the total rose to CZK 1,032,260, which will be distributed among the 20 people in need.
“The campaign is unique in that we do not require any confirmation from the recipients of the donations. We realise that their lives are hard enough and we do not want to burden them with additional unnecessary paper work. We have absolute confidence in our employees in that respect,” says Eva Karasová, Social Responsibility Manager at T-Mobile.
For the first time, the event had two stages this year – the employees first entered the individual stories in a special campaign application and the fundraising began. During stage two, the voluntary sale of pin badges was launched within an internal campaign called “Díííky” (“Thaaank You”): employees could purchase a badge for CZK 20 and give it to someone. The proceeds from the sale were distributed equally among all stories.
This year, the contributors donated CZK 1,380 on average via the campaign application, often helping several people in need simultaneously. The stories illustrate the difficult circumstances of those involved: for example, one-year-old Markétka from a small village near Znojmo, had to have her right leg amputated following a struggle with cancer; four-year-old Matyášek from Prague is fighting acute lymphoblastic leukaemia; three-year-old Adámek from the Olomouc region has a malignant tumour; eight-year-old Míša from the Ústí nad Labem region is a quadriplegic. There are also 16 other brave recipients including adults with severe cerebral palsy and the family of a person who suffered a spinal injury.
All twenty recipients need some sort of help – either a contribution for expensive medications, therapy, rehabilitation, spa treatments, wheelchairs, prams, vehicle modifications, preoperative care or support when returning to practicing sports. The money raised within the campaign will be distributed to all of them in January.
Information about T-Mobile’s other activities in the area of social responsibility is available here.