Twenty one young women from the whole world competed in TOP HOTEL Praha in the finals for the ninth Miss Deaf World title in history.
Beautiful Diana Kovtun from Ukraine was crowned in July in TOP HOTEL Praha Miss Deaf World 2009. Simhiwe Magagula from Swaziland became the First Vice-Miss Deaf World 2009. Second vice-miss title went to Maria Baranova from Russia. The title Miss Deaf Sympathy won Zuzana Zliechovcova from Slovakia nad Miss Deaf Europe Nino Davitinidze from Georgia. Twenty one (the highest number in the contest’s history!) young women from the whole world competed in TOP HOTEL Praha in the finals for the ninth Miss Deaf World title in history. More than 1000 people came to TOP HOTEL Praha to support them during the final gala evening. TOP HOTELS GROUP has supported this contest since its beginning.