KPMG Czech Republic: Horizons – November 2009
23.11.2009Company: KPMG Česká republika, s.r.o.
Financial Services is the focus of the latest issue of Horizons magazine, which has just been released. It presents tips on how to cope with the financial crisis and how to use it for future growth, introduces the new IAS 39 financial instruments classification, scrutinises IT cost optimization and much more.
Strong support. Focus on six key pillars of your business
2010 a key year for the financial sector – at home as well as globally
• The financial crisis and its impact on the life and non-life insurance sector
Governance system and ORSA: two Pillar 2 challenges
New IAS 39: Benefits and costs of the new financial instruments classification
An economic crisis: the best time to innovate
How can we optimise IT costs effectively? •
Crisis prevention measures and the change of VAT
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