Ambruz & Dark and Hospodářské noviny have been jointly carrying out a survey to select the best (and the worst) legislation act for the business environment in the Czech Republic.
The aim of the survey is to contribute to a discussion taking place between Czech entrepreneurs, politicians, and the public regarding the quality of legal regulations passed in the past year and their impact on the business environment of the Czech Republic. Nominations for the winner of the survey “Act of the Year” were selected by Ambruz & Dark law firm from the relevant categories of legal regulations, based on practical experience with their application and effects on the Czech business environment. Priority is given to the acts which have had a systemic influence on a wide range of business entities. Respondents to the survey have included company representatives, businessmen, and other selected celebrities of the Czech economy. The results will be published by Hospodářské noviny.
More information and the opportunity to vote can be found at