Personal Income Tax
1) Payroll income tax statement
Ministry of finance issued an advice regarding
the forms for the payers of payroll income tax (hereinafter PIT).
Due to the use of new Tax Code the tax collected by deduction, including the PIT, becomes the assessed
tax with the effect form 1 January 2011. This fact is
already taken into account in adequate “Statement
for 2010 tax period” forms.
The form for PIT statement (form no. 16) will be used for submission of statement for the tax period
starting in 2010 (see instructions to form no. 15).
The appendix no. 1 „The number of employees as of 1 December 2010“ (form no. 10) remains
obligatory and in case of taxpayers employing the so
called tax non-residents also the appendix no. 2 „ The
review of overall data on the tax payers earnings record
mentioned in Section 2 par. 3 of the Income
Tax Act (form no. 7). Other compulsory appendixes no.
3 and no. 4 also remain valid.
The Tax Code in force from 1 January 2011 also
extended the period for submission of the statement to
4 months. However the amendment to the Income Tax
Act signed by president on 23 November 2010 sets the
period back to 2 months from the end of calendar
We would like to draw your attention to the fact, that
tax payer which has the duty to submit also appendix
no. 2, meaning he is an employer of so called tax
non-residents, must submit the statement for the tax
period of 2010 electronically!
The period for submission is therefore being extended
to 20 March 2011.
This period also applies to all tax payers who
decide to submit the Statement electronically
without being obliged to do so by law.
Only natural persons employing less than 10 so called
tax non-residents are being exempt from the duty
to submit the Statement electronically.
2) Recapitulation of payroll income tax deposits
Advised duty to submit monthly statements of paid
payroll income tax deposits was left out from
the amendment to the Income Tax Act.
Ing. Andrea Kotková
IB Grant Thornton
Na Bojišti 18
CZ-120 00 Praha 2
T +420 296 152 111
F +420 296 181 483