Giese & Partner Czech Republic & Slovakia Newsletter
7.12.2012Company: Giese & Partner, s.r.o.
Supreme Court's Decision Affecting Employee Internet Use - Recodification of Private Law will be Launched 2014 - New Amendment to the Insolvency Act - A Significant Amendment of Slovak Bankruptcy Law - Approval of the Tax Administrator Required for the Transfer of Majority Ownership Interest
Contents of the Newsletter:
1. General Interest
- 2012 Regional and Senate Elections
The fate of the government-proposed tax hikes for 2013 remains uncertain.
2. Czech Legal News
- Supreme Court's Decision Affecting Employee Internet Use
- Recodification of Private Law will be Launched 2014
- New Amendment to the Insolvency Act
Penalties for Vexatious Proposals
3. Slovak Legal News
- A Significant Amendment of Slovak Bankruptcy Law
- Approval of the Tax Administrator Required for the Transfer of Majority Ownership Interest
4. Giese & Partner News
- Recent publications by Giese & Partner Lawyers and other activities