Recipe: White and green asparagus salad with balsamic caviar and poppy seed ice-cream
7.05.2013Company: Zátiší Group
Recipe: White and green asparagus salad with balsamic caviar and poppy seed ice-cream
4 servings
Salad: 20 g of sorrel leaves 4 sticks of green and 4 sticks of white asparagus 6g of olive oil 20 g of balsamic caviar
Caviar: 75g of balsamic reduction 1g of Agar 1l of vegetable oil (chilled to about 0°C)
Ice-cream: 0.5l of 33% cream 100g of sugar 4g of pasteurised yokes 3g of vanilla 100g of poppy seeds
- Boil the asparagus briefly (for about 10 seconds), then place in ice water (to prevent it from losing colour).
- When chilled, shave off very thin slices using a potato peeler.
- Mix the slices of asparagus with sorrel leaves, balsamic caviar, oil and salt to taste.
- Heat the balsamic reduction to 90°C and slowly drip into
- Mix the reduction with Agar and slowly drip the mix into the chilled oil.
- Dry-roast the poppy seeds in an oven under 160°C for about 10 minutes.
- Mix the yokes with sugar until a smooth foam forms, then add vanilla.
- Whip the cream and mix with the foam and roasted poppy seeds.
- Place in a freezer (at -18°C) and let freeze.
- Place the ice-cream atop the salad mix and serve.