Devastating floods changed lives of thousands of people in recent days. It was not only destructive waves, however, but also a wave of solidarity, support and HOPE that surged. And 100% HOPE is the motto of this year’s Avon Breast Cancer Walk, which had to be postponed because of the flooding. Prague streets will therefore dress in pink on the second Sunday in September – 8.9.
„We believe that Avon Walk participants will understand the postponement, which was absolutely necessary. Feeling solidarity with people affected by the floods and considering the safety of Avon Walk participants, we have opted for Sunday, September 8,” said Alena Pytlíčková, PR and Advertising Manager for the Czech Republic and Slovakia. At noon on September 8, our ambassadors will also be ready at the start of the Avon Walk 2013 at the Old Town Square in Prague, ready to fight the malicious disease and encourage ill women and their families. will cheer you up at the start, while at the finish you can enjoy performances by Monika Absolonová, Tonya Graves, David Deyl and the band MIG 21. Balloons will be released to the accompaniment of the new anthem of the Avon Walk called “Budu tu stát”, composed by David Deyl and Xindl X, which has already achieved a record-breaking number of views - 130 000. The song will be rendered by David Deyl and Monika Absolonová.
Avon Walk will finish at Žluté Lázně which is currently recovering from the devastating floods and working to rectify the damage. “Last weekend, Žluté Lázně opened to the public, at least on a limited basis. By this summer, everything should be fine and fully functioning. We look forward to a wonderful summer holiday and September with the Avon Breast Cancer Walk, whose organizers didn’t abandon us, believing that the spa will recover again,” said Hana Tietze, Žluté Lázně Spokeswoman. AVON and Iva Pazderková offer a solution even for visitors who like to keep moving and walking is too slow for them. A popular actress and promoter of jogging, Iva will run along the entire route and invites Avon Walk participants to join her. Start will be at Žluté Lázně, running along the Walk route all the way to the Old Town Square, with Iva assuming a position at the head of the Walk and enjoying the route once more – this time walking in a leisurely pace. If you like to run, put on comfortable running shoes and come to Žluté Lázně at 9:45 am.
A ticket to the Avon Walk is the T-shirt against Breast Cancer, which can still be purchased for 399 CZK from Avon Ladies/Gentlemen, at selected partners and at As of today, we have sold almost 28,000 pieces. Proceeds from the sale go to the Avon against Breast Cancer account. We have raised more than 76 million crowns for projects fighting the malicious disease. Thank you!
Even though Avon Breast Cancer Walk has been postponed for September due to the floods, it is time to start working on the 2014 T-shirt. We present you with a unique opportunity to influence the selection of the Walk T-shirt for next year. Vote for one of the 10 models created by students of the College of Fashion Design in Prague 7. The winning model will inspire the T-shirt against Breast Cancer 2014. You can vote at from June 15 to July 31, 2013.