PRAGUE – The second year of the Citi Alumni program intended for former Citibank employees met with a great interest from more than one hundred people who had worked for the bank in the past. On June 5, former colleagues, employees and their superiors, met at the Grébovka Pavilion in Prague. They had an opportunity to exchange their new experience and, above all, recall the time they had spent together at Citi. Many also took part in the pétanque tournament, which has become even more popular in the Czech Republic. Representatives of the most senior management of Citibank’s Czech subsidiary also attended the meeting, as had become a tradition.
“The Citi Alumni network provides former Citi employees worldwide with opportunities to reconnect with their former colleagues, whom they may have lost contact with in the meantime,” Michal Nebeský, Citibank’s CCO for the Czech Republic, describes the benefits of the program. “For us, the Citi Alumni network is also a tool for keeping and forging ties with the talented individuals who have continued their careers elsewhere but not ruled out returning to the bank in the future,” adds Michal Nebeský, who himself is an ideal local example: after 17 years at Citibank, he spent several years in the management of Czech Railroads and came back to Citi in the autumn of 2012 to take the highest position in the bank in the Czech Republic.
Citi Alumni is intended for all former employees who worked at Citi for at least one year, regardless of whether they worked full-time or part-time or whether the year covered a continuous period of time. If these employees register at, not only they gain access to special Citi offers, such as analysis, economic news and views of the banking environment, for example, in the USA they can also take advantage of discounts on entrance to museums and attractive sports events. As part of the Citi Alumni network, former employees also have access to Citi’s continuously updated research and are notified in advance of interesting events organized by Citi in their region and elsewhere through its newsletter.
Citi Alumni wordwide
At present, 10 000 individuals are registered with Citi Alumni worldwide; in the Czech Republic, there are currently 200 former employees of Citibank’s Czech subsidiary who have expressed interest in keeping in touch with their former colleagues.
A survey conducted by Citibank among Alumni Network in early 2014 showed that up to 97% of former employees perceive Alumni meetings as beneficial, 88% would recommend the program. 89% of respondents consider reconnecting with former Citi colleagues as the most important aspect of the Alumni program. More than 70% of respondents valued Citibank activities in the management of Alumni relationships. 15 Czech Citi Alumni contributed with their views to this global survey.