The head of CEC Government Relations Prague, Václav Nekvapil, was honoured to chair the debate of Czech MEP candidates, organised by the Association for International Affairs and Prague Twenty, leading political and economic think tanks.
Participants included 5 candidates, economic experts each representing one political group from Parliament. Luděk Niedermayer, TOP 09 (EPP), Oldřich Vlasák, ODS (ECR), Jiří Šír, ANO 2011 (ALDE), Libor Rouček, ČSSD (S&D), and Miroslav Ransdorf, KSČM (GUE/NGL). The agenda included some of the topics discussed in the European Parliament and other matters that have a strong impact on the business environment. These included TTIP, a common consolidated tax base of corporate income tax, gender balance, interchange fees and the control of non-legislative acts of the European Commission.
The discussion was attended by approx. 60 people from both the general public and experts.