Prestigious PricewaterhouseCoopers study sets out the need for governments to act as the runway for future growth
As the economic crisis bites, CEOs support government intervention, but are seeking more effective leadership, improved business-to-government collaboration and smarter regulation to improve the future prospects of the global economy, says the latest PricewaterhouseCoopers report entitled Government and the global CEO: Redefining success. The report draws on the results of the prestigious CEO Survey, and adding to it with valuable insights from key government officials.
“The survey produced an interesting conclusion: Most CEOs consider regulation as being too strong but at the same time they believe it is insufficient in many areas such as capital markets. As a result, they call for a smart regulation that will effectively manage areas that need it but won't be a burden.”
Citizens, as taxpayers, have become the new owners and guarantors (through loans) of large sections of business. As government-backed companies appear to be less focused on customers and more so on government stakeholders, there are risks from long-term government backing.
“It could potentially damage innovation and quality of service. Governments need to make early decisions on exit strategies for businesses they have backed through the crisis, but which ultimately must stand alone,” added Jiří Halouzka.
“Today's economic situation clearly shows the global interconnection of economies. CEOs thus call for more coordination among national governments in the area of regulation. A problem that was created somewhere in the world cannot be resolved by a local regulation no matter how good it is. Are goverments about to follow the economy and become globalised as well?,” concluded Jiří Halouzka.