3M Cesko invited all Czech young people to donate blood in the Nexcare give campaign. The Nexcare GIVE campaign with a motto: "The Art of Living, the Art of Giving" is a local replication of a successful US campaign that has been relaunched every year since 2009.
As the Czech Republic faces an issue of blood donors getting older and older, 3M with local partners Czech Red Cross and a pharmacy channel Moje lékárna came up with an idea how to recruit the younger generation of donors. The symbol of the whole campaign is the new colorful and playful Nexcare plasters. Every donor not only gets Nexcare plasters but also a design badge in the shape of the plaster. Every donor is then granted with a free ticket to visit some of the partner Art related institutions – Theaters, Muzeums, Galleries. The digital/social aspect is also implemented by creating the www.nexcaregive.cz website and giving the visitors the opportunity to register and share their experience. As the younger generation is involved, the 3M Česko facebook page is also used as one of the communication channels.
We challenged 3 000 new first donors who dared to take part in the project from 1.5. till 14.6.2014. The campaign took place in 6 largest cities around the Czech Republic. Also five young Czech celebrities took part in this project to this day.
3M esko´s employees also took a step in helping others and donating blood. On the 6.6.2014 more than two dozens of young “3Mrs” are visiting the transfusion clinic to enrich their “Living” by the “Art of Giving”.