The 4-star superior Dvořák Spa Hotel situated in the west Bohemian spa of Karlovy Vary was awarded the prestigious title „Star of“ by the clients of the internet platform and selected the best spa hotel outside Russia in 2014.
52,500 respondents voted for Dvořák Spa Hotel during the 11th annual survey „Star of“, which is why Dvořák Spa Hotel was selected the winner. This happened especially thanks to its high popularity among Russian speaking clients. Dvořák Spa Hotel is situated near the famous Carlsbad´s colonnades and most of the guests visit the hotel repeatedly and praise the high quality of services as well as the wide range of modern and traditional procedures.
Dvořák Spa Hotel Carlsbad
The 4-star superior hotel encompasses 126 rooms, including 15 apartments and 3 barrier-free rooms. The restaurant Dvořák serves a wide variety of local and international cuisine, a special diet section is included in the menu. Bar and the Opera café keep the Vienna tradition of various coffee preparation techniques and treat its guests to Viennese pastries and cakes. The clients are provided with traditional complex spa treatments and also with a wide spectrum of modern spa methods within their health strengthening process. Dvořák Spa Hotel as the only hotel in the Czech Republic provides curative treatments according to doctor F.X.Mayr under the auspices of the certified doctors.