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Petr Šaštinský is the new Country Manager in Provident CZ and SK

Company: Amcham

Petr Šaštinský (47) will become the new head of Provident Financial, the British financial company on the Czech and Slovak market. He is the first Czech to become the company Country Manager in its seventeen-years history on the Czech market. He comes to Provident from the Dutch financial holding NOA where he worked as a general manager for East European markets. In Provident he replaces Russell Johnsen.

Petr Šaštinský began his professional career in Škofin as Operations Manager in 1992-1997. Then he took the same position in ING Lease for the next three years. After that he worked in GE Money Auto for 7 years, of which he spent three years as a general manager. Under his leadership the company became number one on the used vehicles financing market.

After leaving GE, Petr Šaštinský worked as a consultant for financial houses and insurance companies.

In his last three years in NOA, Petr Šaštinský was responsible for the Group activities in Poland, Russia and Albania, and he was also the chairman of the board of directors of the Russian Forus Bank. Among other things, on the group level he was responsible for the IT, credit risk, CDR, new products, and customer service departments in individual countries. He also participated in the group investments in Bosnia and Moldova.

Petr Šaštinský has a Master degree from the Czech Technical University in Prague.

Petr Šaštinský says: “For me it is a great challenge to work for a company which is not just a leader in providing household loans on the Czech and Slovak markets but also one of the most important international financial companies. It is a company which has been regularly praised as the most ethical non-banking company by both its customers and the public.”




O společnosti Provident Financial

Společnost Provident Financial s.r.o. působí na českém trhu již 17 let a má 230 000 zákazníků. Za transparentních podmínek nabízí hotovostní i bezhotovostní půjčky, které jsou bezúčelové, bez ručitele, bez skrytých poplatků a sankcí. V okamžiku uzavření smlouvy zná zákazník konečnou částku, kterou zaplatí. Výše půjčky se pohybuje od 4 000 do 80 000 Kč s délkou splácení 45, 60 a 100 týdnů. V České re­publice zajišťuje zázemí společnosti 650 zaměstnanců a na 3 000 obchodních zástupců. Provident je členem České leasingové a finanční asociace, Britské a Americké obchodní komory a Rady pro reklamu.

Díky svým jasným a férovým smluvním podmínkám se Provident Financial umístil na 1. místě v Indexu etického úvěrování 2011 a 2012 od neziskové organizace Člověk v tísni. www.providentfinancial.cz 

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