This summer again brought interesting traffic figures from T-Mobile’s network. Czechs used the largest amount of voice and data services in Český Krumluv, where voice and data traffic increased by more than one-third and 87%, respectively, as compared with the preceding months. When calculated on the per-day basis, the largest number of calls were made during the Colours of Ostrava music festival and the largest volume of data in one day was transmitted during the International Film Festival in Karlovy Vary. In foreign countries, Czechs placed the biggest amount of calls and used the largest portion of data services while roaming in Germany and sent the highest number of picture messages from Croatia.
The traffic figures were not surprising. Czechs love water. In addition to the Český Krumluv region, other popular domestic destinations are Máchovo Lake and the Vranov, Slapy, Orlík and Lipno Reservoirs. At the Vranov Reservoir, summer traffic was three times the usual rate; at the other reservoirs, it was twice the regular volume. The most popular mountains in terms of network traffic are clearly the Šumava and Krkonoše ranges. The largest data traffic was registered in Černá v Pošumaví, where the volume of downloaded data quadrupled in July and August. The significant increase in data traffic in Jindřichův Hradec was a surprise: as compared with the preceding months, local traffic was 104% higher.
Summer is usually also packed with interesting cultural, music and sports events, during which increased network traffic is also registered. Festivals clearly attract the biggest attendance in summer. T-Mobile connected the largest number of calls during the International Film Festival in Karlovy Vary – over the period of nine days, the operator connected 394,925 calls and transmitted 715 GB of data. The most important summer event, however, was the Colours of Ostrava music festival: over just four days T-Mobile connected 370,546 calls, i.e. 92,636 calls per day, and transmitted 271 GB of data. Another interesting event was the Grand Prix in Brno; the operator reported on the traffic registered during this event at the end of August.
When comparing the volume of network traffic with that of last summer, T-Mobile’s customers made 10% more calls abroad, sent 4% more text messages and used 150% more data services. The behaviour of foreign tourists in the Czech Republic was similar: the number of calls and text messages was 11% higher and their consumption of data services in the Czech Republic increased by 160% as compared with July and August 2013. The largest number of foreign visitors are from the neighbouring countries – Germany, Poland and Slovakia, closely followed by tourists from Russia, France and Italy.
Somewhat surprising was the change in the first position in terms of the consumption of mobile services abroad. This year’s clear winner was Germany, not only in the number of calling minutes (6.5 million) but also in the volume of data (1,773 GB). Slovakia topped this notional ranking in the number of users of mobile services, Croatia in the number of customers sending picture messages (15,501). Other popular destinations of T-Mobile customers based on the number of users of the operator’s services are Italy, Greece and France. The most distant destination this summer was New Zealand; the most exotic countries were Burundi and Fiji.
The record holder in terms of the number of visited destinations is a 52-year-old lady from Prague, who managed to travel through an incredible 26 countries on three continents – Europe, Asia and Africa – during summer. The record number of incoming calling minutes received by one user was 4,923, while the highest number of outgoing calling minutes made by one user was 3,007.
Infographics relating to the data can be found here.