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A Chat with Markéta Večeřová, Senior Corporate Lawyer

Company: CTP Invest, spol. s r.o.

Research has shown that diversity in the workplace has a discernable impact. Among other minorities, women are gradually attaining more leadership positions, creating change that is long overdue. Many industries have begun to recognize the benefits; the real estate industry is one of them.

CTP’s Markéta Večeřová is on track to becoming a role model for future female leaders. Having been promoted to Senior Corporate Lawyer after only a number of months at the company, Markéta found some time to answer our questions about her success and experiences in the real estate industry, the legal sphere, and at CTP.

1) Congratulations on the promotion! You’ve been with CTP for a relatively short time; how do you feel about this achievement?
I am, of course, very happy. This achievement comes after 5 long years of office work in real estate, and after giving up many things in my personal life. It is proof that at CTP, hard work brings results.

2) Thinking back to the past months, are there any specific results that you are most proud of? 
The legal team has supported many developments and secured lots of warehouses. We became the first company in Western Europe to finalize real estate financing with an insurance company, which is a new approach to financing for the future. There are many and many deals to name of and it’s hard to name one as each is specific. But ultimately, all of our decisions are a part of a never-ending, always-growing business circle.

3) As a woman in a male-dominated industry, how do you feel about the current movement of women coming out with stories highlighting inequality in the workplace?
I would like to highlight one quote: “I don't mind living in a man's world, as long as I can be a woman in it.” My advice to all women is to immediately stop competing with men in the workplace. Historically, men have adapted to constant competition. There are evolutionary differences between the genders, and it benefits no one to ignore the differences in the workplace or elsewhere. We should utilize the benefits of gender differences when working together.

4) Have you experienced any signs of progress regarding equality—either in the legal sphere, real estate industry, or both?
A century ago, women were fighting for their right to vote. Magazines from the 50s and 60s describe women as perfect wives, caring individuals without any ambition. Today, I see many inspirational women around me not only at CTP, but also in real estate in the legal sphere and banking sector. They have great positions while also being responsible for their families. I am proud to see the huge progress we have made.

5) Do you feel CTP is a diverse environment? Have you seen effort from upper management in incorporating this diversity? 
What I admire about our management is that they do more than make promises; they act. For example, despite being a male team in the past, they chose a female lawyer to join the ranks when they promoted me. Hana Lhotská become Head of Procurement Department, which is a male-dominated position elsewhere, but not at CTP. Květa Vojtová, an excellent lawyer and mother, joined CTP as an M&A lawyer. We have many women in managerial and other key positions. All of this means a lot to me, and it is one of the reasons why I feel that CTP is going to continue growing and succeeding.

Tags: Real Estate | Movers & Shakers |

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