Business is our life, and we love it. The past year has tried to bring us down in many ways. However, each crisis is an opportunity to improve and grow. There is no time to wait for intervention from the outside. We need to pull together and help out each other. Work on ourselves and offer our experience to others.
Since business, as we knew it before 2020, will never be the same the DoToho! mentoring platform was created. The platform brings together top Czech entrepreneurs and experts to help small and medium-sized enterprises restart their business.
"The project is based on professional consulting services and is based on the basic procedures that are commonly used in the development of startups. However, we involve experts from several fields, we expand the scope of the transmitted information, and we also adapt its form so that it can best use for traditional types of business and the current situation, " says Pavel Přikryl, founder of the business club Opero that stands behind the platform.
At the moment there are over 120 companies who have applied to the program and over 200 mentors and experts who are willing to help them. Become as well a DoToho! mentor and let's improve the Czech economy together.
Found out more and sign in at