As part of the Operational Programme Employment, Call no. 60 for the education of employees of business entities – associations, unions and non-governmental non-profit organisations – was announced on 31 August 2016, entitled “Education – Common Path to Development!”
The call provides a grant for the education of a higher number of employees across the organisational structure of the company. The supported education areas in this call include: education in the area of soft skills, languages, IT, specialised and technical education. The support will not include occupational health and safety, first aid and training for company car drivers.
Applications will be accepted from 3 October 2016 to 31 January 2017 – until 12 o’clock. The total allocation of the call
amounts to CZK 420 million. The grant will cover 85% of eligible costs and the recipient has to secure 15% co-financing; for entities performing activities in the public interest, the grant will amount to 100%. The minimum budget is CZK 1.8 million. An applicant can only submit one application. The project can be supported in the de minimis regime as well as in the general exception for education regime.