During the last weekend the Census of Population, Apartments and Houses 2021 started in the Czech Republic.
We would like to draw your attention to the fact that this Census applies not only to Czech citizens but also to all foreigners who have resided in the Czech Republic for more than 90 days.
Holders of long-term residence permits, long-term visas, temporary stay confirmations and permanent residence permits are obliged to fill the census form by 11 May 2021. The form can be filled in online or from 17 April also in paper form. The forms are also available in English on webpage scitani.cz
The form can be completed by one person for the whole household. To register in the form, it is necessary to fill in the number of the document issued by the Czech authorities (ID card, passport, residence card, visa).
Participation in the census is mandatory and a fine of up to CZK 10,000 can be imposed for failure to comply with this obligation. The obligation also applies to holders of the above-mentioned residence permits who do not currently reside in the Czech Republic.