In the endeavour to reduce the economic effects related to the spreading of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the Finance Ministry continues to publish various measures, for the purpose of helping taxpayers to handle the situation. For the time being, let us leave aside the ruminations, whether or not the approved or the proposed measures for companies or small traders are sufficient, and let us focus on what tax relief companies, traders and employers can use to lower their current levy obligations towards the state.
In the abundance of continually published new information, which sometimes changes day by day, the tax measures may appear confusing. In this article, we will thus focus on a comprehensive overview of what taxpayers can already use now, in order not to get into difficulties with their cash flow, and what intended changes are being considered.
The already published articles on this subject can be found on the website of Fučík & partneři in the “Coronavirus - COVID-19” section available at This website contains all important information and options for how to react to the situation that has occurred, not only from the perspective of taxes and levies. Here you can find for example information on employees and the options for how to proceed in situations, when impact on contractual relations occurs as well.
More information in the attached guide.