Do you want to have a good overview of salaries in Prague, Brno and Bratislava? Read CPL Salary Survey 2017 which is focused on the fields of Finance & Accounting / Procurement, Supply Chain & Logistics / IT / Engineering / HR & Office Administration.
Currently, there are approx. 188 000 open roles on the Czech job market. We are facing a similar situation in Slovakia, with approx. 62 000 open roles.
The Czech Republic remains an attractive destination for new investors, even though new investments struggle with hiring the right people.
Apart from salary raise and revision of benefits policies, companies are trying to be much more visible as the preferred employer.
HR Marketing and Employer Branding tend to be a strategic goals for many organizations.
As a lot of roles are opened for junior candidates, companies are trying to move their hiring strategies from LinkedIn to Facebook, Instagram
and other social media channels.
Companies consider sourcing employees from abroad, not just for specific roles such as IT, but also for roles in warehouses and engineering/
manufacturing companies and construction.
For candidates it is important to work with an interesting product/service with newest technologies (IT/engineering), all within
innovative environment.
Whenever candidates are able to relate to the brand, product or technology, they are more willing to accept the job offer.
Do you want to know more? Read CPL Salary Survey 2017 which you can download here.