ČSOB Private Banking received an award for the best private banking services in the Czech Republic by Euromoney for the fourth time. In addition to the overall leadership the bank succeeded in six other categories.
Proto mohou klienti i nadále počítat s prvotřídním servisem a kvalitou služeb, na niž jsou léta zvyklí. Jim děkujeme za to, že nám důvěřují, inspirují nás a motivují k tomu, podávat stále špičkové výkony. Chceme být jejich hlavním investičním partnerem za všech okolností,“ říká Martin Kosobud, výkonný ředitel ČSOB Private Banking.
"Any award of this kind is a great honor for us and I personally believe that it is also confirmation that we are doing our work well. Therefore, our clients can still count on the first-class services in top quality to which they are used for years. We would like to thank our clients for the trust they put in us, they inspire us and motivate us to bring an ongoing outstanding performance. We want to be their main investment partner under all circumstances," says Martin Kosobud, Executive Director of ČSOB Private Banking.
More information can be found in the attached press release (in Czech language only).