While almost half (47%) of students and graduates in Central Europe aspire to become experts in their respective fields in the future, Czechs want to be managers (44%). 38% of Czech students and graduates want to become experts in their respective fields and the others would like to develop in a more horizontal fashion, gaining diverse experience. 75% of Czechs and 77% of Central Europeans would be willing to move abroad for work.
These are the conclusions of the First Steps into the Labour Market, a survey conducted by Deloitte Central Europe, mapping the views on work, life and education of over 5,700 students and graduates of leading universities across fourteen Central European countries.
The prevailing impression among respondents across the whole of Central Europe is that universities are unable to adequately prepare for working life. Only 19% of Central European respondents feel that they are ready for the reality of working life and only 15% believe that university has prepared them well for job hunting.
“In the Czech Republic, the situation is more favourable, but it is far from optimal. 31% of respondents feel ready for their professional duties. 28% of respondents are, in their own words, well prepared for job search,” says Adham Hafoudh, Deloitte Central Europe Talent Leader.
Types of Jobs
Czech students and graduates are inclined towards seasonal jobs, although only 24% of those who had had a job like this in the past believe that it was a valuable experience. In contrast, work or internships in their fields of expertise are seen to be useful by 92% of the respondents with this kind of experience.
“Seasonal jobs are popular. Unfortunately, there is a shortage of offers in economic and business fields and internships are frequently unpaid, which plays into the hands of temporary summer jobs,” says Martina Zapletalová, a manager at Deloitte’s Human Capital Advisory department.
Salary Expectations
The average starting salary expected by Czech respondents was CZK 31,300. The majority of respondents (34%) expected to receive between CZK 25,000 – 30,000.
“Students and graduates are in for disappointment as starting salaries of graduates are mostly under CZK 25,000 in Prague,” adds Martina Zapletalová. “The gap between women’s and men’s expectations in the region is gradually closing in. Since the most recent survey conducted in 2015, women’s expectations have grown, while those of men have declined. In Central Europe, women expect their starting salaries to amount to EUR 739 (EUR 23 more than in 2015) and men to EUR 895 (EUR 38 less than in 2015).”
Other Facts from the Czech Republic
How to be a Sought-After Employer
Based on the survey results, Deloitte’s analysts have prepared several recommendations for employers in terms of how to come under employees’ spotlight:
To read the full study, follow this link.