Dentons has joined the top 10 law firms in the Acritas Global Elite Law Firm Brand Index for 2017. Last year Dentons held the 11th spot in the 2016 Acritas Index. The previous year Dentons was 14th. Over the past seven years, Dentons has advanced a remarkable 31 spots on the Index, the largest movement of any law firm ranked in the top 10.
"This ranking shows impressive progress from largest to leading firm, and is a strong endorsement from an objective third-party, based on testimony of clients or potential clients, who are rewarding our quality and service," said Dentons Global Chairman Joe Andrew.
The Acritas ranking is based on our scores in four categories: awareness, favorability, consideration for multi-jurisdictional matters and considerations for multi-jurisdictional litigation.
The survey responses were tallied from 1,074 respondents who have senior responsibility for buying legal services in $1 billion + revenue organizations in 55 countries across the world. Telephone interviews conducted between January and August 2017 were used in the calculation of the 2017 Index.
Also, Dentons remains the youngest law firm in the Global Elite Top 20, and has leapt ahead of competitors who have been in the legal marketplace for decades.
"Our momentum and status as a challenger brand are attractive to our clients, and together these things are contributing to us being noticed more and more in the marketplace," said Dentons Global CEO Elliott Portnoy.