Eversheds Sutherland earned four placements in the 9th annual corporate law survey Law Firm of the Year 2021 in Slovakia, one more than last year. Specifically, as a highly recommended firm in Employment Law and as a recommended firm in Company Law and Energy and Energy Projects, and for the first time also in Competition Law.
Eversheds Sutherland Slovakia took part in the survey for the third year running. Last year it was ranked as a highly recommended firm in Employment Law and as a recommended firm in Company Law and Energy Projects.
The Law Firm of the Year survey has been organised by EPRAVO Group s.r.o. (the operator of the legal information portals www.epravo.cz and www.epravo.sk) and News and Media Holding, a.s. (the publisher of the weekly TREND na Slovensku) since 2013. The results of the Slovak survey were published on 19 May 2021 on www.pravnickafirmaroka.sk/
Eversheds Sutherland is a TOP 15 global law firm. It employs more than 5,000 people in 69 offices and 34 jurisdictions in Europe, the USA, Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
Jan Roub
Business Development & Project Manager
Eversheds Sutherland
M: + 420 606 086 191
E: jan.roub@eversheds-sutherland.cz