Learning complex concepts can be difficult. Teachers have new resources to make STEAM topics come to life in the classroom or via remote teaching.
I am happy to announce that five new premium 3D lesson plans have been added to BE3D Academy! Our online resource for Education provides teachers a rich set of ready-to-use lessons that incorporate 3D printing with STEAM subjects. Each lesson includes a fun project that makes learning fun with tangible 3D models that students create.
For instructors, each lesson plans contains presentation materials, videos, worksheets and additional models that students can experiment with on their own. We believe it is the most rich and comprehensive curriculum available for 3D printers today – well at least that is what our customers tell us. The lessons are also ISTE-certified.
While BE3D Academy has lesson plans that anyone can use, only eDee customers have access to premium lesson plans and new premium lessons are added every quarter. Here is what we’ve added today:
Archaeological Dig
Students can understand how archaeology helps us learn from the past and what is involved in working at a dig site. They get to design and 3D print their own artifacts like those found in Egyptian dig sites.
Each group assemblies a dig site so that their classmates can “discover” the artifacts. The lesson includes several sample models such as bones and bowls but students can design their own unique models.
Tesla Valve
Based on the inventions and designs of Nikola Tesla, this lesson’s project focuses on the well-known, patented Tesla Valve. Student groups are challenged to design and 3D print a valve that adheres to the Tesla Valve principles.
Each team then assembles and seals their final Tesla Value to enter a competition. Using a balloon that deflates to illustrate the airflow, each entry is judged on design efficiency and how long it takes for the balloon to deflate.
Cress Heads
Have you heard of cress heads? These adorable containers are used to grow food from seeds quickly. Because they sprout green growth that can sometimes look like hair, the name cress heads makes sense.
In this lesson, students will design their own container or use/modify any of the provided models. After printing, they can apply acrylic paint. Then it is time to sow – using a moistened cotton ball and seeds, students plant and then record the growth over time.
Brick by Brick
Lego® revolutionized this toy brick but today’s version wasn’t the original. Students learn the evolution of the toy brick, the pictorial approach to assembly and new competitors on the market.
Students can create their own toy brick models after deciding what kind of scene they want to create – a landscape or perhaps a futuristic city street. They might even need to invent their own toy brick shape to accomplish their scene. Once all the individual pieces have been printed, assembly begins. Did they anticipate all the pieces they would need to build their final model? As a follow-on, students can be assigned to create pictorial assembly instructions so classmates can have a go at creating the model.
Credit Card Kits
No, students are not going into the credit card business! This lesson is about injection moulding and how sprues and runners allow all the individual pieces to be printed at one time and contained in single piece where all the individual pieces are held together and broken off as needed.
Imagination has no limit in deciding what to create. For inspiration, several example credit card kit designs are provided.
That wraps up the description of this quarter’s lessons. We are already creating the next batch and look forward to the schools sharing what their students have created.
To learn more about YSoft BE3D eDee – our 3D print solution designed for Education, head over to our website and get in touch.