On 1 October 2022 an amendment to the Act on the Registration of Beneficial Owners came into effect, which again changes the existing legal regulation of beneficial owners. The amendment no longer distinguishes between the ultimate beneficiary and the person with ultimate influence and extends the scope of obliged entities.
Beneficial owner
The act no longer distinguishes between the ultimate beneficiary and the person with ultimate influence in determining the beneficial owner, as the previous legislation did. Beneficial owner is now defined as any natural person who ultimately owns or controls a legal person or legal arrangement. In case of a corporation, beneficial owner is now defined as a person who:
The amendment does not change the current method of determining the "substitute" beneficial owner.
Mandatory registered persons
The amendment also narrows down the scope of entities that are exempt from the registration obligation. The obligation to register the beneficial owner newly also applies to:
Deadlines and implementation
For persons who have not yet been required to register its beneficial owners, there is a 6-month deadline. The same deadline applies to registered persons who need to adjust their registration as a result of the changes described above.
The new data will be automatically entered into the register for most registered persons by 1 November 2022 (this does not, however, apply in cases where the person would have a different beneficial owner as a result of the amendment).
However, no entries may be made in the register until 31 October 2022.
If you are currently dealing with this issue, we will be happy to assist you.