Pay less on a monthly instalment and even get a smartphone free of charge? Owing to the favourable PRESTO Loan by UniCredit Bank, your wish will come true. You can save a considerable amount of money by transferring one or consolidating several existing consumer loans, bank overdrafts, or used credit cards to UniCredit Bank. Now, you can extend your repayment period up to 96 months, making your monthly instalments lower. Moreover, you will get a favourable interest rate from 4.9% p.a. and a powerful Huawei smartphone completely free of charge.
“When transferring or consolidating consumer loans, the possibility of saving money is important for clients. With our PRESTO Loan, they will not only save money owing to the favourable interest rate but they will also be able to considerably reduce the total amount of their monthly instalment as required owing to the new possibility of extending the repayment period to eight years. In this way, they will have more money in their family budget every month,” says Dalibor Mička, Household Financing Director at UniCredit Bank.
Clients who transfer their consumer loans, bank overdrafts, or credit cards to UniCredit during the autumn will get an extra bonus - a powerful and elegant Huawei P9 lite Dual SIM smartphone free of charge. All you have to do is take out a PRESTO Loan* of at least CZK 200,000 and arrange the repayment period from 72 up to 96 months.
* The offer applies to all PRESTO Loan types with the insurance of the ability to pay and with an actively used account in UniCredit Bank. The minimum amount of the loan (including the insurance) must be at least CZK 200,000 for a minimum duration of 72 months.