Flying without mask only with a medical certificate and negative Covid-19 test
The airlines of the Lufthansa Group are restricting the exceptions from the obligation to wear a mask on board their flights. From 1 September 2020, an exemption from the obligation to wear a mask during the flight for medical reasons will only be possible if a medical certificate is presented on a form provided by the airline. Passengers can download the document from the airlines' websites. In addition, passengers who are unable to wear a mask during the flight must present a negative covid-19 test, which is not older than 48 hours at the scheduled begin of the journey. This ensures maximum safety for the passengers travelling with them.
As of today, passengers will be comprehensively informed about the new requirements, including on the airlines' websites and social media channels, as well as via e-mail and via SMS. This is intended to give customers the opportunity to adapt to the changed rules in good time.
The airlines in the Lufthansa Group already introduced compulsory masks on board their flights at the beginning of May, making them one of the first airlines worldwide to do so. Exceptions to this rule were previously only possible with a medical certificate. The new rules on the compulsory wearing of masks now ensure even better protection for all passengers.
The airlines in the Lufthansa Group have introduced extensive hygiene measures on board and on the ground. They are also in close contact with the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and national authorities to promote the ongoing development and harmonization of health standards in air transport during the corona pandemic.
In principle, the risk of contracting the on board of an aircraft is very low. The cabins are equipped with filters that clean the air of contaminants such as dust, bacteria and viruses.
Medical certificate form for exemption of wearing a mask: