We are proud to announce that our representative Magda Zemanová has been elected a Member of the Board and Vice-Chairman of the Czech Battery Cluster. Český bateriový klastr/Czech Battery Cluster („CBC“) is an organization securing public-private partnerships, supporting cooperation of private companies, the research sphere and the public sector.
CBC is also active player in the international cooperation - through European organizations including EBA250 or independent business missions such as the last one to Sweden: “It was very inspiring to take part in the “battery business trip” to Sweden this spring,” Magda Zemanova says. “The battery industry is aiming to be 2nd largest industry in Sweden and companies in this amazing country are on the path to develop and produce the most sustainable batteries in the world, I am grateful that our team was able to observe the latest trends directly on the site of these players when visiting universities, EIT InnoEnergy, Altris AB, NOVO Energy and others,” she added.