On 12 September 2016, the Government of the Czech Republic approved a support programme called “Venture Capital” focused on start-ups. The programme will be announced within the Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness (OP PIK).
Based on the analysis of the Ministry of Industry, venture financing of start-ups in the Czech Republic is insufficient and a significant market failure has occurred in this area. The analysis recommends that the OP PIK funds provide CZK 800 – 1,600 million. The Venture Capital programme will be focused on returnable investment support for Czech start-ups, which will be able to gain investments for their future development from OP PIK in the coming years.
The first start-up project will be able to apply for the support next year. In the selection of projects suitable for the support, the assessment will focus primarily on market potential and it will be performed by professional investment teams. The programme expects the involvement for the European Investment Fund and of the newly established state investment company, Národní inovační fond.