Global Economic Crime and Fraud Survey 2018 – Czech results
In comparison with our previous Surveys, it appears as if incidents of fraud at the Czech respondents were decreasing. 33% this year, compared to 35% in 2016 and 48% in 2014.
This is contradicting the CEE and global results that show incidents of fraud reported by the respondents have risen from 33% and 36% in 2016 to 47% and 49% in 2018, respectively.
Similar to the results from our previous Survey, asset misappropriation represents 50% of all reported fraud cases. Followed by consumer fraud (38%), procurement fraud (29%) and cybercrime (25%).
In third place both globally and in second in the Czech Republic is fraud committed by the consumer, the first time that survey respondents had the opportunity to include this type of economic crime as an answer.
More information here.