The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic has announced preparations for the sixth call to participate in the Environment for Life programme, aimed at supporting environment-related applied research, experimental development, and innovation. The call has two sub-programmes.
The main objective of the Environment for Life programme is to provide solutions leading to a healthy and quality environment and the sustainable use of resources. The call for proposals is scheduled to be launched on 29 June 2022, with the competition period running from 30 June 2022 to 14 September 2022. Proposals may also be submitted by large enterprises, and support will be provided for operating expenses.
Sub-programme 1 - Operational Research in the Public Interest - is aimed at supporting research and development projects whose results will be applicable in public administration, e.g., in eGovernment, digitisation, optimising regulation, or reducing administrative burdens.
Subprogramme 2 - Eco-Innovations, Technologies, and Environmental Protection Practices - will support projects aiming at innovative approaches leading to the mitigation of climate change impacts while reflecting the protection of natural resources, with total funds for allocation of CZK 200 million.
The maximum aid amount and the maximum aid intensity per project will be specified in the tender documentation. Subsidies should also be available for Prague applicants.
Seminar on funding opportunities
News on subsidies will be introduced at KPMG’s "Subsidies as an Opportunity: News and Practice" seminar, during which we will be presenting the new 2021-2027 programme period and discussing various subsidy opportunities and practical experience with project preparation. You can attend the seminar online or in person in Prague or Brno.
Karin Stříbrská +420 222 123 461
Lukáš Otýpka +420 541 421 323