As part of the Operational Programme Transport, a programme for the support of the introduction of publicly accessible charging and filling stations for cars with alternative fuel drives in the Czech Republic will be announced in autumn 2017.
The support will be divided in four sub-programmes:
The programme will be intended for enterprises with their registered office, branch or organisational branch in the Czech Republic that own and operate the relevant infrastructure. Other specific criteria differ for each sub-programme.
The level of support will range between 30% and 85% depending on the supported activity. The total programme allocation amounts to EUR 44,5 mil.
Eligible costs will include, for example, project documentation for the construction permit, alteration of land outside of the road intended exclusively for the introduction of charging/filling stations, construction of the necessary technical infrastructure for the introduction of charging/ filling stations (electricity/gas), construction of transformer stations or their modernisation, purchase of charging or filling stations and their installation, electronic communication/payment systems necessary for the operation of charging/filling stations, etc.