The law firm Taylor Wessing has been ranked among the “TOP 5 preferred employers” for law students enrolled in Czech universities. This according to the TOP employers (TOP zaměstnavatelé) study, carried out by the Association of Students and Graduates (ASA) and realised in cooperation with the research agency GFK, universities, student organisations and corporate partners. Taking part in the online survey from October to December 2018 were 11 577 students.
Erwin Hanslik, managing partner of Taylor Wessing in the Czech Republic, adds: "We’re very pleased by this news, of course – simply delighted that students have showed their appreciation for our law firm through their votes. For many years now, we’ve endeavoured to have ever better conditions for students, to further their development whilst still in university and later as associates. The demands placed on them are substantial, and not only as regards drawing on their legal knowledge but also their knowledge of world languages. The rewards are also great as they can then with confidence follow their own paths and certainly not feel lost in the legal sphere."
The law firm has long also been dedicated to students of secondary schools. We continue to help educate the young generation and hold lectures not only on the law itself but on the legal profession in real life. We have developed a successful literary contest for law students at universities in the Czech Republic. In the past year, the law firm also cooperated with Czech Radio on its Christmas charity project “Ježíšek’s grandchildren”, and the literaty competition was extended in include universities students from other faculties. The theme of the literary competition was the relationship of students with seniors in our community and the evaluation of options to help improve life for them. This cooperation will continue in the year 2019.
Significantly, our lawyers are also dedicated to sport, especially marathon runs. Within the Taylor Wessing network, individuals and teams take part in individual and relay races, mainly in Prague and Vienna.
The project is implemented in cooperation with the prestigious research agency GFK, universities, student organisations and corporate partners. The aim of the study is to provide unique data to the entire university student world as to which are the TOP Employers, and where current students and future graduates alike should apply for a job. The study also informs companies how they could become a preferred employer.