A study by CBRE that analyses the demand for office space by business sector suggests that the greatest interest in Prague office space is dominated by companies operating in the IT sector, whose headquarters can be found throughout the city. Companies working in the financial sector prefer Butovice, Pankrác and Budějovická, while pharmaceutical companies dominate in Anděl and legal services are based in the centre of Prague.
Prague is experiencing ever-increasing demand for office space, both by companies newly entering the market and companies that have decided to change their location because of favourable market conditions. The greatest demand has been for modern category A office buildings in recent years, whereas cost considerations were the primary driver when selecting office space in the past. Currently, however, due to strong competition, the prices of offices are fluctuating at relatively the same level. For example, monthly rent for offices in the centre of Prague is about 19 EUR/sq m, while in areas such as Karlín, Pankrác or Anděl the price of monthly rent ranges from 14 to 15 EUR/sq m and in the periphery it ranges from 12 to 14 EUR/sqm.
Katarina Wojtusiak, Head of Office Agency at CBRE, commented:
“Due to the emergence of new quality office buildings outside the centre and the excess of supply when compared to demand, the price difference between the outer and the inner city is not so markedly different."
There are exceptions, however, for example The Chodov Park, where prices are holding at inner city locations, without affecting the demand for office space in this building.
Currently, good access to the site and the property itself play an important role in choosing office space, as well as the quality and range of complementary services and lease terms, and also the preferences of companies operating in the same industry. The survey confirms the trend that companies operating in the financial sector generally prefer offices in New Butovice, Pankrác and Budějovická, while lawyers and professional service providers opt for luxurious office address in Prague. Anděl is still an attractive destination in the real estate market, which is currently dominated by mostly pharmaceutical companies (see chart). However, acquiring office space in this locality is limited by the fact that there has not been a new development project recently.
Graph – Net demand for office space in different localities in Prague
Source: CBRE
Slovanský dům is an example that reflects this trend in the centre of Prague.
Matyáš Procházka, the representative of the landlord of Slovanský dům, noted:
“In Slovanský dům, there are mainly Companies providing professional consulting services. If we look in more detail, there are also companies engaged in a wide range of specialized fields, whether they are lawyers, investors, financial or real estate advisers. There are also business entities focused on highly specialized fields such as health tourism."
More and more companies are realizing the impact of the quality of the working environment plays on the satisfaction, motivation and performance of their employees. Companies already choose offices where employees will be satisfied and happy to spend their time.
More and more companies are realizing the impact that working environment plays on the satisfaction, motivation and performance of their employees. Companies already choose offices where employees will be satisfied and happy to spend their time.
Katarina Wojtusiak, Head of Office Agency at CBRE, added:
“Attractive and easily accessible work space has become an instrument of personnel policy and a benefit that reduces turnover of existing staff and lends itself to attracting new professionals and talent.”
Many employees these days do not choose their job by the salary, but also take into account the location of the office, whether restaurants or relaxation zones are available and whether the site makes it easier to combine personal life with work.