More than three quarters of government buildings in the Czech Republic are not energy effective. This represents a loss of approximately half a billion Czech crowns per year. Those are conclusions of Deloitte's study Energy Savings in Public Administration prepared by the UN Global Compact Czech Republic, a network of companies and organisations. The study focuses on social responsibility and sustainable development.
There are 775 buildings in the ownership and in use by general government institutions which are identified for renovation. 586 of these buildings do not meet the requirements for energy class C (economical). In over 75% of the buildings with a total area of more than 1.5 million m2, there is no efficient use of energy. If all of these buildings complied with energy class C and higher, the state would save approximately CZK 500 million per year on operating energy expenses in the buildings of the central government administration.
"The data from other buildings are not available. The appropriate comparison of how hospitals, schools, or offices economise could help the improvement or provide examples of best practice. However, if their use of energy is similar to the government institutions, the loss could exceed CZK 12 billion," estimates Miroslav Lopour, Manager at Deloitte focusing on Energy Advisory.
The Energy Savings in Public Administration study was launched by Deloitte in cooperation with ČEZ ESCO (Energy Service Company), UN Global Compact, Glopolis, Veolia, Vodafone, ČVUT, UCEEB and NCEU.
The complete study is available (in Czech) at