This is according to the results of the fourteenth annual Gift Matching Program, a philanthropic initiative organised by UniCredit Foundation in 2016. Gift Matching Program enables the bank’s staff to support a non-profit organisation of their choice by fundraising organised by the employees themselves. Subsequently, UniCredit Foundation rewards their efforts and motivation to support local communities by doubling the financial amount of individual fundraising collections.
In 2016, UniCredit Foundation registered more than 11,000 donations from the Group’s staff and the total amount raised approached EUR 2.5 million. The money is going to be used in 449 projects. Together with the Group’s employees, UniCredit Foundation has supported more than 5,000 projects since 2003, donating a considerable amount of EUR 45 million in total.
In the Czech Republic, 86% more employees participated in the Gift Matching Program than last year. They supported a total of 24 projects of non-profit organisations of their choice, with the amount raised being equal to as much as EUR 23,706. UniCredit Foundation has doubled their donations. Increases in the statistics of this program show that the bank’s employees care about the quality of life of those who are reliant on the help of others.
The fundraising collections mostly focus on the support of projects which help small children with different forms of disability, children growing up in disadvantaged families or people socially reliant on the help of others.
UniCredit Bank employees in the Czech Republic supported the following non-profit organisations:
Dejme dětem šanci, o.p.s.
Nadační fond N
Centrum paliativní péče
Fond ohrožených dětí – ZDVOD Klokánek
Liga proti rakovině Praha z.s.
Arcidiecézní charita Praha
Nadační fond LA VIDA LOCA
HELPPES – Centrum výcviku psů pro postižené, o.p.s.
Domov Laguna Psáry
Důstojně pro všechny
Domov pro osoby se zdravotním postižením Rudné u Nejdku
Mluvte s námi, z.s.
Malíček, z.s. and other….
Maurizio Carrara, Chairman of UniCredit Foundation comments on the results achieved in 2016: “The UniCredit staff continue to demonstrate their commitment and their spirit of solidarity. By supporting the work of non-profit organisations across the globe, they are contributing to a society which is alive, productive and, perhaps most importantly, united. For this reason, for 14 years, we have been supporting non-profit organisations which help disadvantaged groups of the society improve the quality of their life.”