Name: Carrier Refrigeration Operation Czech Republic s.r.o.
Phone: 273038502
Fax: +420-311650290
Street: Lidická 323
City: Beroun
Zip: 26639
Country: Czech Republic
Member since: 2015-07-01
Category: Corporate
Main type of business: Manufacturing
Contact persons: Ms. Marcela Plšková (
Number of Employees in CR: 976
Core business: Our company offers complete solutions for refrigeration equipment for food retail stores of all formats, from project engineering and product manufacturing to installation and ongoing customer service. Our nationwide service, including a 24-hour call center with access to the active remote monitoring applications, provides customers with safe and efficient operation of the equipment over the life of the cooling system. History of company: 1991 Company founded as „Linde KT CSFR“, owned by Linde AG 2004 Linde Refrigeration group acquired by Carrier Corp. 2008 Name change to„Carrier chladicí technika CZ“ and „Carrier chladiaca technika Slovakia“ 2011 Czech and Slovak entity under one leadership Carrier Commercial Refrigeration is a part of UTC Climate, Controls & Security, a global provider of building technologies. Its fire safety, security, building automation, heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration systems and services promote integrated, high performance buildings that are safer, smarter and sustainable.